This week sees the opening of the XXIII Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Here at Opus, we are great fans of the Winter Games – perhaps even more than the ‘Big Brother’ Summer Olympics. After all, being Canadian, we have a deep respect for anyone that does well on ice and snow. Many of us were brought up in small towns whose long winter nights were spent cheering on sportsmen and women doing seemingly the impossible on a treacherous surface – usually with grace and speed, too! So, what are your favorite sports that you look forward to watching every four years? Following a brief poll around the office, here are ours:
Speed Skating: It is incredible how fast these athletes can move – especially in the team events. Isn’t it remarkable how everyone can do their job at high speed? Much like the networks that our clients work on: A dizzying number of different tasks performed by team players, but with computation and communication performed at Lightning speed to create a seamless whole workforce no matter where they are working or what their tasks are.
Downhill Skiing: Talking of fast, there’s nothing like a bracing down hill descent on two pieces of wood! But speed must be countered with safety. Every athlete on the Mountain needs to know that no matter how fast things are going to get, their own balance and skills are required to use that speed to their advantage, while being safe. Our Security products do the same thing: No matter how busy and fast your networks become, your advantage is knowing that they are safe. You can increase productivity, reliability and security with Opuscare: Providing support, management and strategic guidance.
Figure Skating: Strength, grace and a hard-to-believe progression of leaps, spins, and reverse movement at high speed…and all done on ice. When you look at Figure Skaters in this light, you see just how remarkable they are. At Opus, we also have a multi-step system that we appear to perform ‘on the fly’. Our Five Step Project Management and Execution Process ensures successful IT Projects. We discover, design, plan, implement and train or support your IT Team and Infrastructure. Sometimes it feels like we are performing a Backwards Triple Lutz!
Hockey: Of course, we must include our most popular sport! The World’s fastest Sport, a team event like no other that requires multiple disciplines between the team for them to succeed. Although it’s not Opus versus The World, the way we look at Olympic Hockey, our team mentality is always doing the same thing. Our IT Professionals are skilled in Security for the ‘Edge to End Point’, Networking, Compute, Storage, and Data Protection. No matter how many individual goals we score, it is the ongoing result that matters most: Ensuring that your business is comfortable with its everyday network needs, safeguarding your company, team and data, and preparing you for an ever faster, more interconnected future.
Enjoy your Olympics, marvel at the athleticism, grace and power that these hard-working and talented stars can achieve. We hope you cheer for Canada’s athletes and, when you are ready to grow your company, the Opus Consulting Group’s IT Athletes are waiting to get you to the podium.
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